Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Losers: No Need Apply

Date of Birth:_____________________
Ethnicity (circle one) White/Caucasian, African decent, Asian, Jason Lung, Pacific Islander, Other/Ginger
Bishop's Name:___________________
Date that Mission Papers were turned in:___________________
Date of last temple visit:_______________
Average amount of time spent daily playing video games (2k11 counts)______________
Hours per week spent in gym actually exercising:________________
What is the first physical characteristic that you notice on a REAL women (not Jessica Alba):____________
Do you use emoticons whilest texting:_______If so, which ones:___________
How important is texting to you:_______________________________________________________
How did your last relationship end/why:_________________________________________________
Sports you currently play, or played in high school ( if none, you are looking for love in the WRONG place):
Temple you plan on getting married in:__________________________________________________
Future career goals (NBA is not an option):______________________________________________
Languages spoken besides English:____________________________________________________
What is your life's mission statement:___________________________________________________
When asked, "Do these pants make my butt look fat?" you reply:
a. With the truth
b. automatic no
c. awkward silence (no response)
Are you willing to pick a girl up at her door for a date:___________
What is the extent of your automachanics knowledge? (Please List)_______________________________
Which muscles are most defined on your body?________________
Describe your ideal first date. __________________________________________________________
Would you/ have you ever asked a girl out via text?
What is Harry and Ron's favorite alcoholic beverage?
Who would win in a fight, Ke$ha or Nicki Minaj?
How many children do you want to have?    0     1-4     5- infinity
What are your favorite movies/shows?

Once Application has been completed please send in with 3