Monday, December 20, 2010

A word from the (801)

Today is a Monday and for the first time in what seems like forever the residents of B25 did not wake up in the same room. In fact we are in completely different houses.Please do not have an attack of any kind when you read this but the truth is Lindsley and Braquel do in fact spend their breaks away from not only the beautiful land of Dixie, but from each other as well. Interestingly enough though, we do live off of the SAME street. Please do not argue this with us, we don't like it.

Moving on, we felt it appropriate to take the opportunity to describe what our homeland is like, since most of you reading this blog (all of the what, 4 followers?) know us  from the 435. Here is what you need to know about the land of our fathers' (and mothers, and sisters, and brothers, and dogs, and so on.)
  1. It is basically a giant slushie, and we don't mean the yummy kind. There is no high fructose corn syrup to better the yuckiness that is the snow found all over.
  2. Its all about the inversion. "Hi, I'm from Northern Utah and I'm pro pollution."
  3. Leatherby's aka Leatherbuddies is a must. 
  4. La Frontera is a way of life, and at ours, the food must be good because if it wasn't no one would dare step inside.
  5. Need a mall? We have like 4 within a 20 minute radius.
  6. Need a temple? We have even more of those than we do malls.
  7. You had better stop by and meet Brother Udy, it's what all the cool kids do.
There is more to come :)

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